"How Young Is Too Young to Go to School?" | Sarah Carr | Slote | 2017 1. Use the source information provided here.

If you include the author's name or the article title in the signal phrase, do not repeat this information in parenthesis at the end of the citation Exercise: Create an appropriate signal phrase to fill in the blank for each item.

For clarity, sometimes you might include the article title in parenthesis at the end of the citation instead of in the signal phrase Do not repeat information. A recent article in The New York Times reports. Writing for The Atlantic Steve Geruda (2019) argues. Analyzing recent research, Jane Doe (YEAR) claims. Include the year of publication immediately after the author name, whether you are naming the author in the signal phrase or in parenthesis at end of the sentence. Conventions: Example Signal Phrases: > If you don't mention the author's last name in the signal phrase, you should include it in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. Experts in the field have stated that these limits are often flashpoints for debate and controversy" (Waters, 2018). According to legal correspondent Jim Waters (2018), the laws on gun ownership have specific and necessary limits. The signal phrase should (1) let the reader know that you are about to cite from an outside source and (2) briefly indicate the name or nature of the source.

Home Insert Draw Layout Review View Times New Roma 12 B APA In-Text Citation Practice Generating Signal Phrases Name: The signal phrase is an essential part of the set-up for both direct quotations and paraphrased citations.